Officials, patrons, students and staff assembled for the recent ribbon-cutting at the American Leadership Academy Applied Technologies (ALAAT) school in Mesa, Arizona.

August 10, 2022


澳门足彩app's expertise overcame permitting delays and supply-chain challenges to complete the visionary career-focused school in Mesa, Arizona, on time.


Because of an unavoidable six-week delay related to permitting in July 2021, 澳门足彩app’s construction of the American Leadership Academy Applied Technologies (ALAAT) school in Mesa, Arizona, was behind schedule.

一路上还有额外的障碍, 包括天气问题和“非常”, 电气面板交货很晚。, 使挑战复杂化, 根据莱恩·萨顿, 澳门足彩app项目的建筑总监.

尽管面临诸多挑战, 澳门足彩app ensured that the American Leadership Academy Applied Technologies (ALAAT) school in Mesa, Arizona, 星期一开学第一天准备好了吗.

“Typically, 项目的延迟意味着完成日期的推迟, 但在这个项目中,这不是一个选项,” Sutton said. “这是一所学校,必须准时开学. 感谢澳门足彩app团队的巨大努力, 周一,该设施如期接待了学生.”


Sutton joined the project team in January to support 澳门足彩app’s commitment to the owner to complete the project for the 2022 school year opening. He said that, 在当前的市场环境下, it’s common for challenges to arise in the course of projects – most often linked to labor and materials, such as the electrical panels – and require dedicated attention or clarification. But, 截止日期很紧, the 澳门足彩app team, led by Sutton and Project Director Ken Duncan and utilized 澳门足彩app’s internal scheduling department’s expertise, 找出保持最有效工作的方法. 他们做得非常成功.

萨顿说他们带来了很多, temporary HVAC units and generators to acclimate the space and allow finishes to continue to progress while the team waited for the panels to arrive.

The project team also worked closely with the manufacturer to adjust numerous factors, 包括制造电板的工厂.

“这需要我们团队多名成员的协调, including the owner,” Sutton said, “but the manufacturer worked with us and got it done on a less-than-ideal timeline, 但这个团队可以成功.”

The manufacturer, like most, 是否遇到严重的供应链问题, and 澳门足彩app was just one of many companies asking for a quicker turnaround. 澳门足彩app是如何在别人之前得到它所需要的?


澳门足彩app正在与一位回头客合作,这对他很有帮助, 目前正在莱克星顿建造一所ALA学校, South Carolina. “他们对我们很有信心,”萨顿说. “他们知道我们不会让他们失望, 了解到这一点,我们就可以为客户提供更多的动力.”


At more than 200,000 square feet (SF) the facility is the largest and most complex ever built by Schoolhouse Development, LLC, the project owner. The site encompasses approximately 30 acres developed to accommodate 2,000 high school students. 学校的主楼是两层楼, 倾斜混凝土结构,钢框架结构, 酒吧托梁和泡沫应用屋面系统. 有一个突出的入口特征, 整个建筑被划分为10个独立的区域, 中心有一个公共的大型自助餐厅/健身房. The campus also features a 5,000 SF metal-framed maintenance building.

项目助理经理菲利普·麦克丹尼尔, left, 高级项目经理Jason Heuler, center, and Director of Project Development Ken Duncan are pictured in an ALAAT hallway.

ALAAT represents an investment in Career and Technical Education (CTE) educational programs in which students are provided intensive training in a chosen field of study in conjunction with their standard high school curriculum.

The 10 career-training fields are based on skills most in demand by employers, 重点是那些能提供高薪工作的领域. They are Aviation, Automotive Tech, Construction, Cosmetology, Health Services, Business/Finance, 信息技术, First Responders, 教育与招待. Graduates earn an associate degree and go directly into the workforce.

澳门足彩app热情地支持这个概念. “In some part,” Sutton said, “这所学校将有助于改善我们的行业, and we want to make sure our customer is provided with a building that allows them to be successful in that pursuit.”

A Total Team Effort

Sutton praised the 澳门足彩app team’s perseverance and ability to maintain its morale. 这种积极的态度使一项困难的工作变得容易得多.

He praised Assistant Superintendent Jon Womack for driving the interior buildout of the structure. “He was the biggest boots-on-the-ground in making sure we were able to honor our commitment to our customer and hit that end date,” Sutton said.

高级项目经理Jason Heuler became a direct line of communication with the owner and made sure the paths to completion were clear and fluid, with the tremendous help from 项目助理经理菲利普·麦克丹尼尔.

The best part of the experience for Sutton was being able to support and mentor the team, making sure the members had the resources they needed internally and externally. Sutton was proud of how the entire team came together and embodied 澳门足彩app's Core Values of Team, Excellence, Service and Trust.

Sutton said the school’s owner celebrated with the community two weeks ago. 哈斯克尔队在周一晚上举行了庆祝活动, 开学第一天结束后的几个小时.

Are you facing a project that absolutely, positively needs to meet a deadline? 结果的确定性是澳门足彩app项目的标志. Contact us 讨论如何在预算内按时完成工作.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, Engineering, Construction (AEC) and Consulting solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, in-house design, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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